
Jonatan Carlsson

Carbon Compensate Scandinavia AB
HUB Stockholm
Riddargatan 17D, 3tr
114 57 Stockholm, Sweden
Please use the contact form below if you wish to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


When shopping for groceries try checking out your local market instead of the supermarket. Often you will find more organic products here that have been produced locally. And yes, often it will be much cheaper too!

Easily switch out your old light bulbs for the new energy efficient ones. They last much longer and uses only a fraction of the energy. By changing 10 of these you could save roughly 100 EUR annually, while helping the environment.


Facts and prices are provided with reservation for printing errors, stock keeping and price increases carried through by suppliers, technical specifications that are unclear, and the possibility of a product selling out.

1. Confirmation
We will send an order confirmation with information about your purchase by e-mail as soon as we have received your order. We recommend that you save the order confirmation if you should need to contact Carbon Compensate´s Customer service.
2. Payment options
At present, we accept VISA and Mastercard. When you pay with credit card, the payment is handled by our payment partner DIBS-DebiTech ( to guarantee secure payments.
This is how it works:
  • Choose your credit card type i.e. (Visa or Mastercard), state your card number and validation date.
  • A control is carried out to make sure that your data is correct and that there is money on your account.
  • The money is reserved on your account. This means that you have no access to the amount but it has not yet been transferred to Carbon Compensate.
  • DIBS-DebiTech will transfer the money to Carbon Compensate.


To ensure your safety and comfort we use a secure order form, which means that all content of the form is encrypted (coded to unrecognizable characters). No external parties will be able to access the information you have given. Read more under heading 4, Security.

3. Return policy
You have the right to cancel your purchase. Notification about this shall be done immediately after the purchase or latest 14 days after. The notification shall be done to Customer service through the contact form on the website. The message shall contain the following information: a) order number b) full name of customer c) date of purchase.
4. Security
Carbon Compensate uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for the payment process, which is a protocol for secure transmission of data over the Internet (or other networks). A protocol is a set of rules and procedures on how data are to be handled. The SSL protocol has been developed by the company Netscape Communications and is now an industry standard for secure transmissions. SSL protocol processes the data in several different ways in the purpose of making it unreadable for malicious third parties. The processing is called encryption. When the data is received by the recipient SSL reprocesses (decrypts) it again to make it readable for the recipient and a control is made to ensure that the sender of the data is the valid one (Server authentication). It also checks that the data have not been changed during transmission (Message integrity). SSL uses digital certificates to validate sender, recipient or both sender and recipient of the data transfer.


A digital certificate is the "tool" that is used to tie the information about an individual or a company to a so called "public key". This key has two purposes: All SSL certificates for the Internet use are handled by companies that are certified as certificate creators (or authorities). This brings that all SSL-certificates are unique and correctly made. Everyone applying for a SSL-certificate has to prove their company or their own identity to be able to purchase the certificate. The only demand for customers is that they have a webbrowser that can use SSL which two of the most common webbrowsers Internet Explorer and Netscape communicator have been able to since long.

5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Contracts between you and Carbon Compensate shall be governed by Swedish Law. Carbon Compensate follows the recommendations of the Swedish Consumer Authority.

We currently accept the following payment methods.


The production of meat emits a lot of greenhouse gases. Try to avoid eating meat. If you do eat meat, make sure that you choose ecological products. Plan your shopping and meals so you don’t have to throw away food.


The heating of our homes emits a lot of greenhouse gases. Make sure that you have an efficient heating system and that heat is not slipping out through windows and doors. Did you know that a heating pump can reduce the amount of energy needed by 40%?


Choose green energy. The way your electricity is produced makes a big difference to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Also try to use as little energy as possible. Did you know that TVs, DVD players and stereo equipment left on standby, represent between 10 – 20% of the energy used in houses?


Walk or use your bike for transportation as often as possible. When you have to travel a longer distance the train is the best alternative. Taking the bus is better than driving yourself and flying is the worst option. If you use a car, use one that emits a low amount of greenhouse gases, such as an electric car.


Always think twice before buying a new product. Do I really need this? Also think twice before throwing something away, can I repair it? Could someone else need this thing? If you do decide to throw it away, make sure it is recycled if possible and disposed in a proper way otherwise.


Use your power as a consumer and choose the products that are best for the environment, such as ecological products. This will change the market. You can also make a change just by asking for ecological products whenever they are not available, this will change the supply.